Friday 26 August 2016

Aliens, Direct Advertising and ClickBait

The Internet - a way of accessing nearly all of humankind's knowledge...anyway, while reading an article about people with Rh negative blood types are descendent from aliens (spoiler, they're not) and how HAARP is causing climate change (spoiler, it's not) and other "interesting" articles (who writes this stuff?) about Freemasons from Atlantis build the Pyramids (spoiler, they didn't...well technically they did in the sense that masons build the pyramids - stonework, masons ... but they probably didn't come in spacecraft from Atlantis) etc, I do enjoy taking time to look at the direct advertising.

Geolocation of IP address is simple, which means you get clickbait such as these:

First of all two millionaires in Sipoo Finland, I think we might have heard about these especially given their willingness to appear in direct advertising, I'm sure they'd have appeared in the local press too. As for the guy with the lime green car - good luck driving that on our roads - and Diety knows where she's going to part that helicopter.

I particularly like the medical breakthrough...good thing I like eggs, though it might be a bit irresponsible showing a runny egg - those things are more dangerous than Ebola on a dark night - isn't that right Mrs. Currie!

So here we are, late 2016, vast amounts of knowledge at our fingertips and this is what we get...I mean, it isn't as if anyone could actually go and check the claims in the above advertisements is it?

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